Holding active membership in a Local Church of the United Church of Christ.

The comments below support this Mark of Ministry. To read the reference in its entirety, please click on the bold text at the end of each comment.


Since Jim Alexander leads by example and has inspired me and others to live out the UCC’s purpose “To love God with all our heart, mind, soul, and strength and our neighbor as ourselves,” I support him wholeheartedly.   – Joyce Stoffers


Coming from a very different background, “UCC-world” represented a challenge to him organizationally and theologically. Undaunted, he embraces a Spirit-led faith that continues to deepen; he has a clear, well-articulated commitment to peace, justice, and full inclusion for all in the church’s life. He has open eyes to the new forms of faith community emerging in these times. He has my full support.  – Rev. Leonard W. Silvester


As to the Marks of Ministry specified by the UCC– we understand that Jim hasn’t followed the traditional MDIV / Ordination path. However, we find that his Southern Baptist ordination and 30 years of ministry, as well as his theological growth and ministry here affirm his readiness, gifts, passion and call to ministry in the United Church of Christ at the Church of the Palms. – Church of the Palms, Members In Discernment committee for Jim Alexander


Jim holds active membership in The Palms UCC & is committed to the church being a united & uniting church as in John 17:2 -that all may be one through the power of the Holy Spirit.  – Malinda Case


My Personal Statement of Faith

My Faith Pilgrimage