Embodying the UCC Ministerial Code.

The comments below support this Mark of Ministry. To read the reference in its entirety, please click on the bold text at the end of each comment.


Jim has himself suffered from the painful judgment of people around him, but he has continued always to “let them see Christ in him.” I try to emulate that in my own life, but often fall short. He helps me to try again. – Jane Zukowski

He represents the UCC well. Jim and I have met and will continue to meet with Rev. Brady Abel for lectionary preparation and collegial support. Jim is registered and attending The General Synod in Baltimore this year. He will be going to the clergy retreat. Jim is called by God; he meets the Marks of Ministry.  –  Rev. Paul A. Whitlock

He works well with folks across a spectrum of beliefs, interests, and abilities. He strives for excellence in all things, and does so with an infectious spirit that inspires and uplifts. He is effective at recruiting, motivating, training, and encouraging working teams. He takes good care of the people he shepherds – tending to their spirits as much as their production. Jim is ultra-reliable, emotionally secure, spiritually mature, and exhibits the finest in ministry ethics and boundaries  – Rev. Leonard W. Silvester

He is collegial with staff and keeps confidences. Jim is insightful, has vision, and is respectful of each person on staff and in the congregation.  Jim embodies the core values of the United Church of Christ in everything he does. God’s love flows through Jim’s words and his presence in times of grief and joy.   Church of the Palms, Members In Discernment committee for Jim Alexander

Jim has also shown a desire to continue his theological development through independent study. He has sought out advise on appropriate reading that will help him with that task, and is open to regular theological dialogue with other clergy. We do think Jim would benefit from a spiritual director who could help him continue to develop a more formal plan of spiritual formation. – Rev. Nancy Gunn, Minister of Worship, Church at Cactus;   David Gunn, Pastor, Church at Cactus 

Caring for and Equipping the Entrusted